Main Street America is seeking support for a $100 million dollar competitive grant program to support coordinating programs, local programs and Main Street businesses. Complete this form to send a letter to your representatives in the House and Senate and speak up for Main Street.
Main Street America is seeking support for a $100 million dollar proposal to support coordinating programs, local programs and Main Street businesses. Complete this form to send a letter to your representatives in the House and Senate and speak up for Main Street.
You may not be able to contribute to this effort if you're not based in the United States. But we appreciate your support!
Make sure to check-out the full array of Main Street Forward resources to see how you can help your community recover from the impacts of COVID-19, no matter where you are.
Main Street America is committed to supporting communities throughout the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to advocacy resources, Main Street forward contains free resources and research to help guide downtown revitalization.